ABTT announces trustee-directors
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Three vacancies on the ABTT Council came into being at the time of the AGM. The council, which is made up of 11 trustee-directors, each elected by the membership maintains the running of the ABTT Group, is responsible for the overall management of the ABTT and provides vital support in steering and advising the association’s work.
The ABTT received nominations for election as a trustee-director from Alexander Cann, senior lighting tutor at Mountview and Anton Woodword, managing director - AVW Controls (who had both completed their current three-year term of office and wished to reapply) and from Suzy Somerville, head of production at Birmingham Rep.
As three nominations were received to fill three open vacancies, no vote was required and ABTT CEO Robin Townley welcomed Alex Cann, Suzy Somerville and Anton Woodward to the ABTT Council to serve a three-year term, joining Louise Birchall, Oliver Brown, Mig Burgess Walsh, David Evans, Anette Ollerearnshaw, Matthew Smethurst Evens, Ben Stephens and Emma Wilson. Robin's welcome was echoed by all those gathered.