ABTT announces two new Honorary Members
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Howard Potts, recently retired technical director at Warwick Arts Centre, and Matthew Freeman, currently working as an associate project manager at TAIT, were both appointed Honorary Members of the Association.
At the start of the event Robin Townley, CEO of the ABTT, welcomed everyone gathered at the Gillian Lynne Theatre thanks to the generous hospitality of LW Theatres.
Robin's welcome was echoed by Matt Cowles of ETC, co-hosts of the ABTT Christmas Party, who also took the opportunity of the popular annual gathering, returning after two years' unavoidable absence, to thank the ABTT for all the work it undertakes to support the sector highlighting the Theatre Green Book and the new ‘W’ series of ABTT Guidance Notes providing recommendations on how legal duties to ensure the welfare of workers are met.
ABTT co-chairs David Evans and Mig Burgess Walsh spoke in turn - each introducing one of the new Honorary Members and explaining the scope and commitment of their efforts in supporting the Association.
David Evans introduced Howard Potts commending him to the gathered company for his "numerous and long-serving support and contributions to the work, governance and in particular training delivery of the ABTT.”
Mig Burgess Walsh then introduced Matthew Freeman by stating that "as a teacher who spends most of her time with the next generation, I am beaming with pride to be able to formally appoint Matthew as an ABTT Honorary Member.”