Adlib's Andy Dockerty says, "We consider it an honour to be able to look after Pete, and with so many other quality companies out there we believe in going the extra mile to ensure he is happy. Pete and I have a very similar attitude towards mixing bands and I believe I know what he requires his system to do. The major difference between Pete and myself as engineers is that he is good .....and understands digital."
Keppler used one of Adlib's JBL VerTec line array systems on the tour - 12 elements of VT 4889 a side, six VT4888s, plus 10 VT 4880 subs per side. Adlib is currently upgrading all it's VerTec subs to include the new driver.
Keppler used his own Digidesign venue console - with absolutely no outboards. The only additional device he had out front was a stereo pre-amp for the audience mics - utilised for the nightly show recording on Pro Tools. Two Dolby Lake Processors and two Lake Contours took care of the system processing and control, along with a Mesa EQ hooked up to a wireless tablet PC. Systems tech James Neale says, "The DLPs have been a complete revelation - their software is leaps and bounds above that of the other options, and the filters are incredibly crisp and clean. It's like lifting a blanket off the PA."
The main system was being powered by Camco Vortex 6, with Crown VZ5002s on the subs. Adlib also supplied a full set of monitors - including MP3 wedges and Pulse and Crown amps - and a selection of mics for support band Ladytron. The Digidesign Profile monitor console for both bands was supplied by Firehouse Productions from New York. The band carry their own IEMs and are mixed by Mike Prowda. Production manager is John Lafferty and lighting is designed by Martin Phillips.
(Jim Evans)