The CRMS, Cinema Ribbon Monitor System is a unique hybrid 3-way main- / 2-way surround-system. Each system consists of a separate mid-high frequency ("MHF") section, featuring one RBN401 pro-ribbon driver HF with non-vented 8" MF and a low frequency 15" ("LF") section, with low power-compression 4" voice-coil. The MHF section is specifically designed to act both as MHF section for the main/front system, as well as full-range surround system. This unique design results in a very uniform sound stage throughout the entire listening area.
The LR14 ultra-compact line-array system will also receive a new sibling: The LR14/90; This is a new pro-ribbon line-array, featuring the Alcons RBN401 pro-ribbon driver, with double 6.5" woofers in a 90 x 15 degree configuration. With a total weight of only 15kg, the LR14/90 pro-ribbon line-array has one of the best "throw-to-size/weight" ratios in the industry, says the company.
The second main introduction at the show is the QB363. Featuring a triple-12" array-configuration, the QB363 acts as a modular low-end extension of the QR-series pro-ribbon column arrays. With the similar front shape of the QR36 and QM36, this bass system operates completely within the acoustic line-array parameters, resulting in projection control. The modular principle enables vertical (or even horizontal) tight bass arrays up to or even beyond 10 metres.
Also on show will be the SR9, the first product of the new "S-series" group.The SR9 is an ultra-compact ribbon loudspeaker, specifically designed for applications where ultimate fidelity response needs to be projected with wide horizontal and precise vertical coverage, such as low-profile stage-lip/front-fill, upper-/under-balcony or stair risers or walls.
Another highlight on the Alcons stand is the Digital Drive Processor (DDP). This new development marks the entrance of Alcons in the digital processing domain. The exchangeable processing device is complementary to the Alcons ALC controller-amplifiers.
(Chris Henry)