At the heart of Loopworks is an online interface that gives rapid access to a suite of knowledge and tools, including measurement systems, design tools, training materials, an Ampetronic knowledge base and rapid access to support for your projects.
At InfoComm 2014 Ampetronic is demonstrating the first module of Loopworks to go live, a completely new and automated test and measurement platform 'Loopworks Measure'. Measure combines a smartphone or tablet app with a self-calibrating probe to measure the magnetic fields generated by hearing loop systems.
A back-end web tool automates the process of collecting data, creating certification or test reports and direct access to support from loop experts. Measure brings together excellent value, high performance measurement, and ease of use to create a new end-to-end hearing loop measurement system.
The new system can operate both as a very sophisticated test platform when installing loop systems, and as a very cost effective tool for regular monitoring and maintenance by venue operators or maintenance companies. Much greater adoption of high quality measurement will improve the chance of delivering high quality loop systems for the long term.
Ampetronic is also opening a Beta trial for its Loopworks Designer, a tool for the design, analysis and output of induction loop designs. Used and developed by Ampetronic and its customers over 25 years, Designer is a highly established and proven design tool bringing the best of Ampetronic's methodologies into the hands of specifiers and contractors.
(Jim Evans)