Launched in 2001, this highly successful series of events, which runs during the months of June and July, has grown from four sites to seven. AP was originally contracted in 2003, and in 2009 its remit was increased to cover all sites. Since then, the relationship between The Forestry Commission and the AP team has continued to blossom and AP is delighted to be able to continue this bond into 2013.
"Forest Live has gone from strength to strength and the Forestry Commission is now one of the UK's top music promoters," says AP's national sales manager, John Phillips. "The surroundings invariably make for a relaxed atmosphere and our staff thoroughly enjoy working there, which makes for a great experience all round."
This relaxed atmosphere is one that AP has been a key in supporting, working closely with event management company DB Event Services and taking in the quirky nature of the sites to ensure each event runs safely and smoothly.
"We're delighted to have been invited to work with the Forestry Commission again this year," Phillips adds. "And we're looking forward to another summer of top class music in beautiful surroundings."
(Jim Evans)