For maximum flexibility, the Avolites ART-2000 dimmers can have the RCB-disable option applied in groups of 12 channels - unlike other dimmers where the whole rack has to be switched into similar mode. AFM’s Chris Millard worked closely with Avolites’ R&D team, headed by JB Toby, to produce this feature. Immediately after delivery to AFM, the dimmers went to Leavesden Studios in Hertfordshire, and into action on the set of a high profile Warner Bros movie, due for release in the Autumn.
Continuing in the film and television vein, for Lee Lighting North, Avolites has supplied eight modules of ART-4000 dimming to add to their rental inventory. For Lee Lighting in London, a further supply of 11 ART-2000 48-way racks has just been completed. These are being installed into three separate, but identically equipped studios at Three Mills Island for the on-going shooting of the new Channel Four soap, Trafalgar Square. David Oldroyd of Art Lighting Ltd, who is lighting consultant and gaffer for the series, specified the ART dimmers. DP is Nigel Walters and Pete Brimson will look after lighting during the shoot. Avolites’ Hire department is also active on celluloid projects, with recent rental packages being supplied to Lee Lighting for the filming of TombRaider on the 007 stage at Pinewood (Paramount Pictures, DP Peter Menzies) with lighting operated by Mark Ackers. The ongoing film production of Dinotopia (Hallmark Films, DP Tony Piers-Roberts) also for Lee Lighting, features Avo dimmers, and Lee Lighting has just placed another order.