"Biamp sees AVB as the emerging standard for the A/V industry and our products. We also recognize the importance for interoperability of all equipment that utilizes AVB as well as the need to educate the marketplace," states Matt Czyzewski, Biamp's Vice president of Business Development. "Biamp is excited to have joined AVnu Alliance in order to promote these principles that are critical to the industry in regards to growth and adoption of AVB technologies."
"We are very pleased that Biamp has joined AVnu Alliance. They are a strong player in commercial installed audio applications. Their membership in AVnu Alliance further demonstrates the sentiment of the professional AV community that compliant and interoperable AVB enabled devices are the future of the industry," says Lee Minich, AVnu Alliance marketing workgroup chair and president of Lab X Technologies. "With networking as the backbone of their product systems, Biamp's commitment to AVnu sends a clear message throughout the A/V community."
* AVnu Alliance is an industry forum dedicated to the advancement of professional-quality A/V by promoting the adoption of the IEEE 802.1 Audio/Video Bridging (AVB) standards over various networking link-layers. The organization creates compliance test procedures and processes that helps ensure AVB interoperability of networked A/V devices, . The Alliance promotes the benefits of AVB technologies and collaborates with other organizations to provide the highest quality streaming A/V experience.
(Jim Evans)