New look for the Lions

USA - The Detroit Lions held a reveal event for their new uniforms at their Ford Field home, drawing thousands of fans. The same stage was also used for the Detroit Lions NFL Draft Party. Both events were executed flawlessly, thanks to the dedicated effort and teamwork of 4Wall Entertainment’s Detroit crew.

Led by VP of live events Joe Leahy, the 4Wall team of Kareem Harris, Gary McGarity, Ross Zhang, Xavier Williamson, Jason Dunk, Robert McGoldrick, Jon Sogoian, Johnny Pike, Michael Gallacher, Brian Lavender, Tommy Minkowski, Joshua Ruhlman, and Rahul Samuel set a stylish, upbeat tone for the reveal event.

Helping them in this effort were 113 Chauvet Professional fixtures, including 14 Maverick MK3 Washes, 48 COLORado PXL Bar 16 motorized battens, 14 Color STRIKE M strobe-washes, 14 STRIKE Array 4 blinders, 20 EPIX Strip IP one-meter linear units, and five Cloud 9 foggers.

Working with a 58’ x 38’ mobile stage with an 80’ T-shaped thrust and 29-30’ trim, the team created a bold setting on the field that came off well for live spectators. Three large video walls ran the width of the stage, and a horizontally oriented screen ran across its top, all of which were supplied, installed, programmed, and operated by 4Wall. The video content displayed during the reveal event was shot at the 4Wall Detroit warehouse utilising Chauvet gear.

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