"Naturally, we see huge potential in the North American market", Ashery continues, "Compulite has always been known for it's outstanding responsiveness to customers, and the new subsidiary will enhance our ability not only to sell, but also to provide follow-up services such as training and support to our valued customers in the US.
"We also expect to gain first-hand knowledge of the specific needs of the North American market, that will be quickly translated into new products, supplementing our established product lines."
Located in Wallingford, Connecticut, Compulite USA plans to establish a network of regional and local representatives across the US. Compulite USA will not, however, operate in Canada, where the company is represented by Erikson Pro.
Following the launch of the Vector Red and Blue consoles last year, Compulite has recently presented Vector Green and the new Dlite line of consoles. Compulite will also offer a complete range of digital dimmers. "Both the Vector and Dlite lines raised much interest at LDI, last October." Ashery concludes. "We are confident that Compulite USA is the appropriate platform through which we will be able to transform this interest into significant market share in the US, as we have in the rest of the world."
(Jim Evans)