The show, produced by Endemol Nederland BV, was broadcast from the Lichtfabriek in Haarlem, a venue now well known for cultural and corporate events that was once responsible for providing energy to the homes in Haarlem. The simple, elegant setting and clever light design transformed the venue from a spacious factory into a stylish, intimate catwalk studio. The models were complemented by a lighting design from James van Someren of DutchView.
The Laser operator for the event was DutchView's Jeroen van der Velden who chose to use Cuelux for the control of three green lasers and one full-colour laser. "I needed to be able to control the lasers just how the lighting is being controlled: manually trigger cues during the live-show, including fade-times. I setup a Cuelux system that controlled the Pangolin LivePro computer via DMX. That way I could control the lasers using cues from Cuelux, while still keeping all the laser safety-features and content of Pangolin in the chain."
Lighting designer, van Someren adds: "It was very important for me to be able to get the operator to make live adjustments when and if I required them during the show. This would not have been possible at all with a completely pre-programmed timeline show."
(Jim Evans)