As well an extended range of CyberHoist motors, more control options are now available in the DataMotion data distribution range, while the compact RC-1 Handheld Remote Controller provides fast and effective setup and derig without requiring use of the system's host computer.
The range of CyberHoist intelligent hoist motors has grown to three, joining the original 500 kg-capacity, 0-20 metres per minute (1 foot per second maximum) variable speed CyberHoist 500.
The new high-speed CyberHoist 250 motor is capable of lifting 250kg at variable speeds of 0-40 meters per minute (2.17 feet per second) - for smooth, fast and agile moves.The new, invertible, high lifting power CyberHoist 1000 features a 1000kg (1 ton) lifting capacity and fully variable speeds of 0-10 meters a minute (0.54 ft / sec), with the same unique, smooth motion. Suitable for inverted and non-inverted use (usable with the motor facing up or down), it can be used with or without a mothergrid.
Control options are extended, too, with the PLASA Show launch of the RC-1 Handheld Remote Controller. It provides a simple, convenient and safe method of directly controlling most major functions of a CyberHoist system - ideal for small applications such as load-in / load-out and maintenance.
The RC-1 joins the three exsisting InMotion 3D control systems - with a choice of systems based on a Dual Mac G5, iMac G5 20" or PowerBook laptop. The range expansion is completed by the addition of new DataMotion (dedicated data networking) and PowerMotion (dedicated emergency stop and power distribution) accessories, providing wider interface options and emergency stop facilities.
(Chris Henry)