Apart from the broadcast audience of many millions, the crowd in the Arena numbered around 8,000. For Rental Pro, the choice of the PA system was clear: Nexo Geo T (10 T4805s and three T2815 per side), with Nexo Geo S cabinets (nine S805 and an S830 per side) for the sides of the arena. Powered by Camco Vortex 6 amplifiers, the system was controlled remotely by Nexo's new NX242 processors on a wireless network using a WLAN NXtension card and Camco's WinCai software.
On the stage, Nexo PS15s and PS10s were used as monitors, and more Geo S provided sidefill: six S805 and a single S830 plus two CD12 sub-bass units, on each side of the stage. Tomas Ourednicek, the main sound engineer of the event, explains that this was the first time he'd used a system with Geo S as side-fills. "The results were excellent, it was like having headphones! The voices seemed so close . . . one couldn't believe that the GEO S arrays were was hanging at a height of 10 meters."
For the first time, InnovaSON digital consoles were used, Sy80 for FOH and Sy48 for monitors. "From the first tone each band had its great sound," reports Tomas. "It was like waving a magic wand, everything sounded excellent."
(Lee Baldock)