Duarte, CA-based Total Concept Integration (TCI), a design/build firm that handles a broad range of commercial projects, designed and installed Sergeant Pepper's new sound system. According to Adrian Morales, one of the firm's partners, space was a huge consideration on this project. "This is a small, pub-like type of venue," said Morales. "With two pianos and a drum set up on stage, there really isn't a whole lot of room to spare. Initially, the owner envisioned flying a few conventional, non-powered loudspeakers that would be augmented by one or two subwoofers on the floor. When we asked him where he planned on housing the power amps, he realized this approach would consume considerably more space than he actually had available."
With assistance from Steve McNeil of Mac West Group, the southern California firm that represents D.A.S. Audio in the area, Morales and his associates scheduled a demonstration of D.A.S. Audio's Variant Installation Array loudspeakers.
"Aside from the savings in floor space these self-powered loudspeakers brought to the environment," explained Morales, "this compact line array system provides far more even dispersion throughout the room than conventional speakers could achieve. Upon hearing the system, the owner immediately agreed this was a better solution."
On receiving the green light to proceed, the TCI crew flew six D.A.S. Audio Variant 25A self-powered, ultra-compact line array modules - three per side - over the front edge of the stage. For low frequency support, two Variant 18A subwoofers were also flown, with one enclosure each for the left and right hangs.
Morales notes: "In addition to the fact that, being self-powered, this system eliminates the need for separate power amplifiers, the overall appearance is considerably more streamlined since there's less cabling to run. We've had great success with D.A.S. equipment, so we're absolutely confident the system will provide years of reliable service."
(Jim Evans)