Mannie Manim, executive director at The Fugard and formerly the CEO at the Baxter Theatre, says that the building construction took just a week beyond six months to complete, where three buildings were made into one unit. "It was an enormous labour but we had a fantastic building team," said Mannie.
Thanks to UK-based producer Eric Abraham, who established Isango Portobello in 2006, The Fugard Theatre is equipped with some of the best possible equipment, and DWR Distribution supplied a grandMA2 ultra-light console, Source Fours, ADB Fresnels, Parcans, a Le Maitre Hazer and Scrollers along with back-up support.
Mannie Manim himself has lit shows across the globe. He says: "GrandMA is the state-of-the-art lighting board of this time," he said. "The only thing that limits you is your own imagination and all mistakes are my own. I had a grandMA at the Baxter, and I'm happy to have one again."
For Mannie it has been a tremendous tribute to be part of The Fugard Theatre; he has lit every first production of Athol Fugard's plays in South Africa since 1970. "Well, Athol is my inspiration, to sum it up in one word," said Mannie. "I met him when I was the HOD at PACT. He came up from Cape Town and was performing at the Alexander Theatre and Breytenbach, and then we took him to the township. It is a very special relationship - he is a giant."
Another relationship formed over the years has been with Dan Riley from DWR Distribution. "Dan and I go back to when we were both teenagers," said Mannie. "It seems a long time ago, but whenever I've needed help he has been there. He has been a fantastic friend to the theatre and everyone knows and cares about Dan."
(Lee Baldock)