Jan Crutelle, system engineer with EVI Audio's Belgian partners Prevost, was advising the rental company Omega Production at the time and remembers: "Many of the Omega technicians simply refused to believe that so few - and such compact - enclosures really could be capable of covering an area of 100 x 80m. They soon learned differently!"
The technical tandem of Omega Production and Prevost opted to fly an approximately 6m high main system (right and left), consisting of a Cobra-4-Far, two Cobra-4 tops and two Cobra-2 downfills per side. Jan Crutelle said of the result: "The Cobra made quite a few friends that day. Because of its power, obviously, and the quality of its sound - but also among the crew because the setting-up and rigging was a breeze!"
(Lee Baldock)