The draft standard describes recommended practices for lifting and transporting performers to create the illusion of flying or levitation in theatrical performances. Anyone that has an interest in flying effects with live performers is invited to review it and offer comments. Public review and comment is being sought so that the draft standard may reflect the consensus of informed opinion in the industry.
The standard is a project of the Rigging Working Group, part of the ANSI-accredited standards committee E1, Safety and Compatibility of Entertainment Technical Equipment and Practices. ESTA is the secretariat for accredited standards committee E1, and provides administrative support to the committee. Membership in the working group is open to all who are affected by standards-making in the area of trusses and rigging in entertainment venues, and who are willing to actively participate in the group's projects.
A copy of BSR E1.7 can be obtained from the ESTA website at, or by writing to: Technical Standards Manager, ESTA, 875 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1005, New York, NY 10001.
(Lee Baldock)