Eos won a Lighting product award at Showtech 2007, the control system's second such honour - last year it took the Product of the Year Award for debuting product when it was introduced at LDI. But the Showtech award was the first ever European award for an ETC desk and marks ETC's strong presence in the European entertainment lighting market.
The SmartFade ML is aimed at small touring acts, schools, product launches, corporate events and other applications; it brings professional features like palettes, parameter "fan" and built-in dynamic effects to novice and experienced users alike. Its direct access style of operation means that students, volunteers and non-technical staff can be lighting memorable shows in minutes, say ETC.
Also on the ETC PLASA stand is the ETC Congo lighting control console, which among other installations, has recently been hired out by ETC dealer Northern Light for an Erick Morillo DJ dance night.
ETC is also showing new accessories for the Eos, Congo, Congo jr and SmartFade ML desks. For Eos and Congo jr, the Universal Fader Wings provide even greater hands-on control of lights. The new Radio Focus Remote, with in-built display and encoders, brings full-featured wireless remote control to both the Eos and Congo control systems. For SmartFade ML, ETC will be showing the new, free, SmartSoft PC application, which will allow users to add an On- and OffLine view and programming interface to the desk.
(Lee Baldock)