"The rear wall of the set is a slice of an old vinyl record," explains LD Philip Gladwell, "and we use FloppyFlex to simulate the record's grooves, programmed to give a spinning effect. We chose Digital FloppyFlex to bring the scenery alive and achieved fantastic results. The smooth movement and vibrant colour is exactly what we needed. I can't think of another product that could deliver such a stunning effect."
Production electrician Gareth Clowes adds, "I highly recommend FloppyFlex. It's really a nice product to work with and the installation tools needed are remarkably straightforward. It also seems practically indestructible. I'm sure it would withstand most things a tour, for example, could throw at it."
Programmer Liam Jones pixel-mapped the stunning effects. Produced by Underbelly Productions in association with Cameron Mackintosh, the production will run until 7 January.
Digital RGB FloppyFlex is the newest addition to the Firefly FloppyFlex LED neon range. DMX multi-pixel control at eight pixels per meter offers unlimited creative potential, including colour fades, chases, and unlimited colour-animating possibilities.
(Jim Evans)