With 20 years' experience in the events industry, the UK-based company plans to serve the entertainment and installation technology markets through a series of dedicated B2B networking forums. The first of these will be evenTech Scotland, which is scheduled for 20-21 February 2008, at the Marriott Hotel, Glasgow.
Says Darren Brechin, who leaves his present post at the end of July following the PALME Asia exhibition, "We have long recognised the need for an entertainment technology forum in the North of the UK, and Glasgow is the ideal location as Scotland in particular is currently experiencing unprecedented growth in tourism, leisure and commerce."
He says evenTech Scotland will provide a networking forum which will service the often neglected top half of the UK, delivering key visitor groups from the north of England and Northern Ireland, as well as Scotland. Extensive market research has highlighted the need for a bespoke industry networking forum to serve these regions as there is no genuine event in the country currently catering directly to these areas.
Scattered Media's mission is then to launch a programme of similar forums for the leisure hospitality industry in other countries, which will enable professionals to keep abreast of fast-changing technology and latest industry trends and developments.
"We aim to maximise business and networking opportunities through focused events, tailored marketing promotions and associated sponsorship packages," promises Brechin. "We offer our customers a proven track record in delivering successful entertainment and installation technology events on a global level, harnessed through our flexible, client-focused approach, energy and entrepreneurial spirit."
(Jim Evans)