Richard Wolpert's brainchild was Pedaling to Benefit Behind the Scenes, a 754 mile, 12 day bicycle trip from Springfield, MO to Houston, TX in time for the USITT Conference. Riding at an average speed of 12 mph and covering as much as 78 miles in a day. He was joined for the first 72 miles by Rob Schraft and for the last 274 miles by Jeni Lyn Anderson.
On 15 March 15, the Mount Vernon High School Chapter of USITT held its second annual Short Reach Short Riders Tricycle Ride for Behind the Scenes. A cold and wet morning greeted the 38 high school riders as they competed in relays, sprints, and the Enduro.
At the USITT Conference, Michelle Kokal, this year's philanthropy chair for the Penn State Student Chapter of USITT, accompanied by chapter members, presented a cheque to Behind the Scenes that was the culmination of two years of fundraising efforts.
(Jim Evans)