Wade is using a grandMA2 and comments, "I love the grandMA2 because you can pretty much programme it however you're comfortable programming: Nothing is set in stone. It does everything the way I'm used to working but with lots more bells and whistles. And the networking is amazing; I had Benny Kirkham come out and help me programme, and we worked simultaneously with him setting up his desk exactly the way he wanted while I did the same."
Wade also gives kudos to the grandMA2's quantity of faders and playbacks, which are "really helpful" tools and to the macros which he's glad to see again on a console. "I haven't had them on a desk in years, and I don't know how I lived without them," he says. In addition: "The whole visual aspect and layout of the grandMA2 is so well thought out. The screens are beautiful, and the touch sensitivity is dead on. It's a very nice desk to programme and run."
For the OMG Tour the grandMA2 controls a lighting complement that includes 24 Clay Paky Alpha Wash 700s. Most are scattered over the floor with some rigged along the fly truss.
(Jim Evans)