Gravesend Sound & Light totally relpaced the sound system using multiples of Martin Audio Blackline F15s around the dancefloor, underpinned with S218 subs. Said Middleton: "We had originally planned to fly the F15s in pairs, but the roof wasn't structurally substantial enough, so instead we created two ground stacks either side of the stage, inverting the F15s on the S218s to produce a horn-coupled solution. It provided a much crisper, punchier sound with a vibrant top end."
Gravesend had requisitioned some special plates, secured with eyebolts, originally designed for pairing up the speakers to create the right splay angle. And despite having to resort to a ground-stack alternative the special rigging was still able to be implemented to achieve maximum coverage while providing additional bracing. Elsewhere, a pair of Martin EM76 architectural speakers serve as DJ monitors (powered by Martin MA1.3 amplifiers), with the remainder of the system controlled by Martin's dedicated DX1 processor and powered by Martin Audio MA2.8 amplifiers. The result is that this popular holiday nightspot is now sonically equipped for the new tourist season.
(Lee Baldock)