Tthe new service is delivered by a web server and works from within a browser so there is nothing to download or install in the conventional sense. It comprises a drag-and-drop interface linked to a complete library of all of Rapco's and Horizon Music's panel products so the user simply selects the panel he or she wants, drags on the connectors that are needed, and sets engraving, finishes, artwork and so on. The resultant design is linked in real time via XML to sophisticated backoffice systems. Once the design is complete, a separate pop-up report delivers an instant quote. Furthermore, this system can support highly complex pricing models, e.g. setup charges, product charges, variable charges (such as engraving by character) and, most importantly, pricing by user profile; discounts may be set based on who the user is and the type of account he has.
The benefits of this technology are clear. Customers can design, price and order custom panels in seconds, at any time of night or day, without having to wait for any third party input. From the user's point of view, all the guesswork is taken out of the process, which greatly improves efficiency. According to's CEO David Snipp, this is undoubtedly the way of the future. "Many people are talking about web services right now, but few really understand their potential, and even fewer have delivered useful, working systems. changes all that because it is a fully customizable platform that can integrate with any other system via XML. Integration of information is the key to delivering tools that add real value and NetCAD, powered by, is another great example of how we have created an elegant, efficient and cost-effective solution for a forward-thinking client."
(Lee Baldock)