P100 Protruss, the latest product to benefit from the company's new automated fabrication process, is a heavy duty truss for the most demanding applications. The P100 has undergone a battery of tests and stress analysis, and even passed a load test that saw a 4.8m span support a 14 tonne point load with flying colors, to verify the theoretical calculations in real life.
Interal T.C. has taken a huge leap in the area of producing and dry-hiring aluminium trusses since it was established in 2003, and this year sees its automated fabrication system running at full force, bringing an unprecedented level of quality and consistency to the trussing industry. It complements the company's use of EN ISO 9606-2 certified welders and aluminium of the EN-AW 6062 T6 class.
Automating the fabrication of standard truss products makes it possible for Interal to reduce the lead times for larger orders to the absolute minimum. As the decisions for projects are being pushed back to the last possible moment Interal is able to cater to the market's needs - be it a custom project or an extension to a company's rental stock.
Interal T.C. produces two truss lines, Protruss and Intertruss, in-house for both sales and dry-hire rental. This combination offers extra flexibility for any customer ordering new Interal T.C. trusses, as the customer can temporarily use rental trusses until the new material is delivered.
The company also produces custom-made aluminium products. Special scenery items or accessories are fully drawn and produced by Interal T.C. based on each customer's requirements.
The Interal truss dry-hire department now has more than 15km of truss in stock and 170 circle trusses varying from 1 meter to no less than 50 metres in diameter. Interal T.C. trusses are widely seen across Europe, having been used in a range of TV programmes and events such as the FIFA World Championship football, Idols, Popstars, Formula 1, and many more.
Interal T.C. staff will be on hand at Pro Light+Sound 2012 to demonstrate the full range of products in Hall 9.0 / F96.
(Jim Evans)