The show saw more than 60 professional acrobats and artistes portray Singapore's rise from a small island country to one of Asia's cultural and economic powerhouses; all on a stage dressed in black stage masking from J&C Joel.
The stage masking curtains manufactured and supplied by J&C Joel were made from versatile black 300cm wide Molton (MOL002), a non-durably flame retardant brushed cotton fabric that is ideal for stage masking.
The stage blacks provided to the Kallang Theatre included five stage borders, eight legs, two wings, ten dress legs and a stage backdrop measuring ten metre wide with a drop of 13m. All were made flat without any fullness and headed with either webbing & ties or snap hooks.
Regardless of the performance, stage masking is central to any staged performance. Separating the audience from the backstage area and allowing them to focus on the production, stage blacks separate the fantasy and reality of theatre.
(Jim Evans)