The hall is home to the Vantaa Pops Orchestra, a 40-70 piece symphonic orchestra specialising in light entertainment rather than classical music, and including 'pop' elements such as guitar, keyboards and drums. According to sound designer Sepi Myllyrinne, responsible for the orchestra's sound, it was widely perceived that the existing system at Vantaa needed updating as audio quality is of paramount importance to the orchestra.
The system installed by Starlike consists of three clusters. The left and right comprise of six Kiva line source cabinets and two Kilo low frequency extensions, with a centre cluster of seven Kivas. The operating range is extended down to 32Hz via two SB118 subs. The system is powered by four LA4 amplified controllers.
"The sound is now coherent and the coverage is even in all parts of the auditorium," says Starlike's Pauli Molnár. "In particular, when we replaced the four previous subs with just two SB118s the sound became much bigger, deeper, tighter and punchier. I went to the first concert after the new system was installed, and the orchestra and the vocalists sounded fantastic."
(Jim Evans)