Robert Sims of Las Vegas' Communication Electronic Systems put together the new gear package as well as the one serving Hope's prior facility. Additionally, Ryan Durham of Las Vegas-based Ford AV guided the church in their equipment and new gear package decisions, and was on hand to assist with the initial setup. Each array consists of seven modules per side, supported on a ground-based tower. An additional NTL720 module per side is used for front-fill. The low end of the system is supplied by eight NTS22 subs in a central array under the front edge of the portable stage. All of this is powered by the UX8800 processor.
"When I began my relationship with EAW in the older space, it was the product performance and support that won me over," noted Sims. "I am thrilled that EAW was able to fulfill the needs of this new, challenging space. We had five basic issues to consider: First, speed in erecting the system, because it gets put up and taken down every single weekend. Second, even coverage, front to back and side to side. Third, the power to fill a room of 500-1000 people. Fourth, a system with a small footprint, with self-amplified gear, and less of it! Fifth, repeatability, because we need the same quality of sound every week. The NTL Series and the NT subs fit every one of those issues."
(Jim Evans)