Madden customised the design to suit each arena's specifications, but based them all on line arrays incorporating 40 Mica cabinets, 18 M'elodie units, three UPA-1P compact wide coverage loudspeakers, and four groundstacked 600-HP subwoofers. Madden's original plans called for additional UPA-1P loudspeakers and 600-HP subs, but he ultimately didn't need them "because the Mica goes down so low," he said.
The presence of a large, reflective ice floor presented a dilemma in venues that weren't designed for entertainment on ice. "Many of the arenas weren't made for ice skating, unlike the hockey arenas we usually use," says Madden. "But with MAPP Online Pro acoustical prediction software, our crew could determine how to concentrate the sound onto the sides and back of the building."
(Jim Evans)