"vLearning webinars are perfect for users who are looking for short,self-contained workshops on VectorWorks topics they'd like to learn moreabout, at their own convenience," says Frank Brault, Nemetschek NorthAmerica's director of training and technical support. "Our new virtualtraining series is designed as another option for users who might notprefer to devote several days to our more comprehensive, classroom-basedprofessional learning series seminars. Just one live, targeted vLearningsession can deliver precisely the information a user wants on a specifictopic. We've focused on drilling down into one topic per session, sousers can sign up for one or several sessions and participate in thetopics they find interesting. Because each topic is so concentrated,we'll cover material and share tips not included in any of our manuals.And we'll be adding more topics on an ongoing basis."
Four vLearning webinars will be introduced in February: Organising theDrawing; Managing Drawing Layouts Using Viewports; Understanding ReportsUsing Worksheets; and Data Acquisition for a Site Model Using DigitalTerrain Modeling (DTM) Technology. The first course, Organising theDrawing, will be broadcast on 7 February at 1 p.m. EST. New topics willbe added regularly.
"As a long-time user and trainer of VectorWorks, I found the vLearningwebinar on layers and classes very well done," says Pat Stanford,president, Coviana, Inc. "The explanations were clear and concise, andthe sample drawings did an excellent job of showing different ways touse layers and classes, especially the use of layers and classes innon-architectural drawings. I recommend the class to anyone who needs abetter understanding of how to best organise their drawings and lookforward to taking more webinars myself. What a great format to get agood understanding of a particular VectorWorks functionality in a shortamount of time."
Full vLearning webinar descriptions, a schedule of courses and timesavailable in February, and details about how to sign up for a session,are available on the website.
(Chris Henry)