Each LED power supply is capable of dimming twelve (at 350mA) or five (at 700mA) LEDs. A unique feature, however, is the ability of the power supply to combine with up to 99 slaves each of which is capable of supplying a further twelve or five LEDs respectively, which means the entire system is capable of dimming up to 1,200 LEDs synchronously - and without any compromise in terms of safety, the SELV (safety extra-low voltage) being maintained at all times.
The series consists of three products: the PTDCCD 15/350mA or 700mA, with which the LEDs are dimmed using a switch; the companion Slave, which allows the LEDs to be adjusted to the same level of brightness; and the PTDCCD15/350mA or 700mA S10, with which the LEDs are dimmed via a 1-10V interface or using a potentiometer.
The new system, which was designed in extensive consultation with professional users, is capable of dimming more LEDs than any of its predecessors. For large lighting projects, this has the advantage of making the task of installation more economical and less time-consuming.
(Chris Henry)