A total of eight Outline CDH 483 Hi-Packs and four CDL 1815 Low-Packs (the firm's low frequency enclosures with cardioid characteristics) were flown and aimed with the aid of Outline VIP software, in order to ensure even coverage right from the front seats, eliminating the need for any additional front-fill systems, say the company.
Four HARD 212 ultra-slim enclosures are used for stage monitors, while four Victor Live subwoofers are installed on the floor to handle the ultra-low frequencies. The consoles used are a Midas Verona and a Midas Siena, on FOH and monitor duty respectively. The rig is powered by eight Outline T 6.5 digital power amplifiers. The Butterfly system was installed and fine-tuned by Megaevent, Outline's exclusive distributor in Greece.
(Lee Baldock)