Hartley Peavey commented: "This is truly an honour, but while it is my name on the sign, all of this certainly was not just my doing - I am merely the catalyst. Together, we're expanding our horizons and changing our products and methods. We're doing the only thing we know: innovating."
Mayor John Robert Smith paid tribute to the company's contributions to Meridian and Lauderdale County. "Thousands of our residents depend on Peavey Electronics for their livelihood, education and future," said Smith. "This company is the bedrock of our community's economic base." Hartley Peavey added: "My goal for this company has always been to be the best. By definition, you cannot be the best unless you're different. We are different. This company is based on doing things that everyone said could not be done."
Peavey Electronics also swept the Music & Sound Awards at the recent Winter 2003 NAMM Exposition, taking nine awards - including Manufacturer of the Year and Product of the Year.
(Lee Baldock)