Picture This with Robe in Dublin
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Helping make everything at the 3Arena bit look that bit more special was production designer Liam McCarthy, who spec’d over 150 Robe moving lights for this extravaganza, delivered by Irish rental company Just Lite Productions, and featuring 37 BMFL Spots, 36 Spiiders, 46 Pointes, 16 LEDWash 600s and 16 SuperSpikies.
Liam worked closely with the band and created some initial set and visual concepts based on their ideas of initially wanting a circular video screen - which was developed into two curved screens. Video content director Darragh McAuliffe and the team from content producers Algorithm were commissioned by Just Lite’s Paul Smith with input from the band. The IMAG camera mix directed by Brian Judge was also a big part of the show’s overall visuality.
The LED screen was split into two elegant curves. The curved theme continued with a circular video floor and drum riser.
Both these curved screens were on a Kinesys automation system and they moved in and out at strategic points in the show.
The 16 x Pointes on the centre circle were joined by 12 on the back of the circular floor, and the other 18 on the three upstage trusses where they were used for some spectacular ‘light wall’ effects.
The Spiiders were spread between the downstage trusses for key light with 12 upstage on the floor and 18 on the back-wall trusses. The BMFL Spots were positioned on the downstage trusses for key light, with 12 on the stage left and stage right torms and 18 on the three upstage trusses.
The SuperSpikies were on the floor at the start and end of the set ego ramps, with the LEDWash 600s on the wings beneath the IMAG screens each side.
Liam controlled all the Robes and other lights via two Road Hog Full Boar consoles - live and backup.
(Jim Evans)