Guests included leading sound engineers, key rental companies, and dealers, and there was a special appearance by French electro legend, Jean Michel Jarre.
The crowd was entertained by the 8-piece jazz/rock David Koven band, managed by the iLive system at FOH, driving a Turbosound speaker system. Audiopole also installed the new GL2800M dedicated monitor console to handle monitor mixes for the band.
FOH engineer, Patrick Clerc, made use of the two tap delays and reverb from iLive's internal effects, and the system's DCA groups. "I am very impressed with the system's sound quality, particularly the reverb, and I like the ergonomics of the control surface, especially the processing strip," comments Clerc. "Most of all, I am amazed at how quickly I found my way around the desk - it is really easy to use."
Audiopole also set up a product display area on the boat for their guests to examine the iLive digital system, as well as the ML5000 VCA console and models from the GL range.
(Jim Evans)