Situated in a meander of the Ebro river, the Expo 2008 site is home to some groundbreaking architecture such as the emblematic Bridge Pavilion designed by Zaha Hadid and the imposing Water Tower designed by Enrique de Teresa. The exposition site also hosted several daily shows including Iceberg, a visual and poetic symphony evoking water and climate change as its central themes. Leading Spanish production company, Focus, created the iceberg itself and designed the audio system which was entirely powered by Lab.gruppen amplifiers, including 24 PLM Powered Loudspeaker Management systems.
From a technical point of view, the system had to be both extremely powerful - the show is designed to be accessible to over 20,000 spectators from different parts of the site - and high quality, as this was a classical music event where clarity and fidelity were paramount. Focus therefore opted for a large EAW system powered by Lab.gruppen amplifiers. Behind the iceberg there were two towers comprising three clusters of eight EAW KF760 cabinets each (48 cabinets in total) which were driven by twenty-four Lab.gruppen PLM systems with integrated Dolby Lake processing.
The system was supplemented by 12 EAW SB1000z subs per side, powered by six Lab.gruppen FP10000Q amplifiers. Inside the iceberg itself Focus installed a L-R system that comprised nine EAW KF750z per side driven by a mix of Lab.gruppen amplification. Processing, where it was required, was all courtesy of Dolby Lake.
(Jim Evans)