They were selected by show lighting director Manfred Voss (voss | mediaDesign) as floor effects for the ZDF show, Wetten, Dass, a game and entertainment TV series, which broadcasts six times a year from different theatres in Germany.
The LD, who has enjoyed a long relationship with both the show and the public-service German television channel, used them to highlight the recent performances of German stars, Bruno Mars and Udo Jürgens, enabling the Saturday night prime time viewing audience (plus 2,000 in the auditorium) to see the bright floor-mounted effects, which were integrated in the stage sets of both acts.
"We have a standard lighting set, which is customised for the respective needs of each show - and for the music-related acts we create our own lighting set - using different cues and presets for each performer," said Manfred Voss.
(Jim Evans)