In the short-term do not send any information through as T.I.S. UK is not a legitimate buyer, although the company is not doing anything illegal. In the long-term, you can register with the Fax Preference Service (FPS), which can help ensure that your fax number is not available to companies who want to fax you with promotional material that you do not want to receive. Companies using fax marketing are legally obliged to ensure that they do not fax numbers that have registered with the FPS (the PLASA head office is registered with the FPS - and we received four copies of the T.I.S fax overnight). You can register online at the web address given below.
PLASA will be in touch with the ICSTIS - the independent Committee for the Supervision of Standards of Telephone Information Services advising them of the T.I.S fax. The organization also carries advice on its website (address below), including advice on complaints procedure, should anyone receiving such a fax wish to make a formal complaint.
(Lee Baldock)