The first is Connection Scheduling. For some time, Cable and Dogleg objects, which show interconnections between products in the Schematic drawing environments, have had the ability to 'glue' to and move with symbols as they are repositioned. In Stardraw Audio and Stardraw A/V, their functionality has now been extended to identify the products they connect. This allows you to generate reports from schematic diagrams that tell you what device is connected to what, and via which cable, without the need for extraneous data entry - another big time-saver for contractors, say the company.
Default Line Width is an enhancement that boosts the legibility of printed output. Text appears much sharper, bolder and easier to read, especially on today's high resolution printers.
Another introduction is Attributes of Type 'List'. All symbols and objects within Stardraw can contain an unlimited number of Attributes: these are data entries stored within the object which can be used to define the characteristics of a real world product (e.g. Cost Price, Model Number, Length etc). An Attribute has a type: it can be text, a number, a hyperlink or a link to a database record and all Attributes are completely user-definable and editable. A new type of Attribute has just been introduced, that of 'List', which makes the process of definition and editing even simpler by allowing you to select attribute values from a drop-down list. You can use data from any datasource i.e. database, spreadsheet or text file, so users may create their own lists in addition to those supplied by
(Lee Baldock)