Renkus-Heinz demonstrated the capabilities of new products such as IC Live at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Fulfilling promises made at InfoComm 07, the company digitally networked its entire product line with RHAON, the Renkus-Heinz Audio Operations Network.
RHAON was also featured on the show floor, as was EASERA SysTune, the real-time acoustical measurement and analysis program from AFMG - Ahnert Feistel Media Group. AFMG's Stefan Feistel presented the latest concepts, techniques and tools for live sound system tuning and speech intelligibility measurements using EASERA SysTune. His seminar ranged from FFT analysis basics to transfer function measurements, impulse response acquisition, and their applications to loudspeaker systems, delays, and equalizers.
For those wishing to understand Iconyx and IC Live in depth, Renkus-Heinz senior application engineer Jim Mobley outlined the basic concepts behind Digitally Steerable Arrays, illustrating them with section-view and plan-view models of both installations and live productions in BeamWare 2.0 software.
(Jim Evans)