Because of the nature of these particular jobs, individuals are often excluded from access to High Street financial services. By joining the Roadcrew Providential Syndicate, members are able to access cheap personal pensions and mortgages, free legal and financial advice and personalized insurance packages covering issues specific to the industry, such as public liability and travel.
On receipt of membership applications, GMB financial advisors will contact applicants to discuss a personal financial plan tailored to their needs, and inform them of financial services available to syndicate members. Overall, the aims of the Roadcrew Providential Syndicate are to ensure crew have a voice and open a dialogue with other professional groups within the industry; to become the recognized association representing individual road crew; to educate and inform members on issues specific to the profession; to encourage those interested in joining the industry; to raise standards in the industry through information, discussion and persuasion and to develop a network of road crew across the industry.
The GMB is one of the largest general trade unions in the UK and is the umbrella organization for organizations like the Roadcrew Provident Syndicate. The union charges its members a monthly fee, 100% of which is used to fund the services on offer. Members pay the union only when they are earning and on the basis of what they can afford. If members are not working at all for a period of time, their rate will fall to 5p per week.
(Sarah Rushton-Read)