UK - ShowTex, a worldwide leader in inventing, manufacturing, selling, and installing flame retardant curtain fabrics, tracks, and motion control systems is the newest Behind the Scenes Pledge-a-Product Partner. ShowTex has pledged a percentage of the profits from sales of the GiantMirror to support the charity.

GiantMirror is an innovative product that provides an easy to use, excellent quality, and versatile alternative to glass mirrors. The oversized lightweight mirrors with virtually invisible joints offer near perfect clarity and reflection. Use transparent GiantMirror to create hologram special effects and make objects appear and disappear.

Raf Peeters, project manager at ShowTex stated, "ShowTex believes our industry exists by the grace of a lot of hard working and passionate entertainment technology professionals. Without them our business would not be the same, so we think it's important that the industry is there for them too when they need it the most. As these people generally do not stand in the spotlight, that doesn't mean they should be left in the dark when they're going through some difficult times. That is why ShowTex supports the Behind the Scenes initiative and calls on everyone else to do the same."

John Simpson, chair of Behind the Scenes UK, welcomed ShowTex as a Behind the Scenes Partner saying, "This is such an important programme for the charity and we are delighted to have ShowTex step up at this early stage to show their support. Our Pledge-a-Product programme keeps on giving, both to the charity and to our partners. ShowTex's customers and employees can take pride that they are helping to care for their colleagues in need. We thank them for taking a pro-active role in supporting those who use their products."

Behind the Scenes UK provides financial assistance to entertainment technology professionals, or their immediate family, who are seriously ill or injured. Grants may be used for basic living costs, some medical related expenses, transportation, retraining, or funerals. For more information about Behind the Scenes, to donate, or to apply for a grant, visit For more information about the Pledge-a-Product Programme please contact

(Jim Evans)

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