"We wanted something 'crazy' at the entrance - a striking view which people will remember and which stops everyone who enters the building," says Risto Huostila, responsible for TeliaSonera's functions and AV acquisitions. The screen is by far the biggest installation in Finland using this technology.
The exterior wall of the entrance hall is made primarily of glass, resulting in a bright projection environment that would present a challenge for standard front projection screens - but not Supernova. "Sunlight does not keep up in this race," says Huostila. "The projection equipment combined with the unique Supernova Screen enables a magnificent presentation regardless of ambient conditions."
The material presented on the screen comes from various PC, MAC, DVD, DVM and HD-dvm sources, and Thomson Grass Valley's Turbo duplex programme mode HD player is used. Reception staff manage the AV system, effect and other lighting systems using a Creston touch screen, while the system functions automatically by running preselected content.
(Jim Evans)