For the two-hour show's many musical numbers all five members of the comedy team - Julian Barratt (Howard Moon), Noel Fielding (Vince Noir), Michael Fielding (Naboo The Enigma), Dave Brown (Bollo) and Rich Fulcher (Bob Fossil) - are fitted with Sennheiser ew 300 IEM G2 monitors, as are the two-man backing band.
"There are two full-time musicians in the band on drums and bass," explains FOH engineer Ashley Jones, part of the team from sound and lighting specialists Sonalyst. "And at the climax of the show Noel sings, Julian plays guitar, Rich plays keyboards and Dave plays bongos. When it's all going it's a five-piece band."
"They are all using ew 300 IEM G2s," confirms monitor engineer Mark Buckley. "I always specify them. The sound is so great, especially when you go up to six or seven on the dial. Most people, when they're using in-ears, put the dial on three or four because the engineer is slamming the desk so hard. But the Sennheiser in-ears have a good little amplifier in them."
For more on the Mighty Boosh's tour see the October issue of Lighting&Sound magazine - out now.
(Jim Evans)