The show is based on the 1999 Emmy award winning, six part series Walking with Dinosaurs that originally aired on the BBC. Tomcat reports that it joined creative forces with Upstaging and Fader Higher (Jake Berry) to create some custom lighting pods for the tour.
Each of these pods is secured to a cross of truss on top of a tower. The cross consists of a 'spine' truss (9' 6"/2.9m in length) plus two smaller trusses that attach to the spine's centre. Each of these crosses are supported by a vertical truss that is attached to the underside of the spine truss resulting in a total assembly that is 81.5" (2.07m) tall. The actual lighting pods are rigged to each end of the upper cross.
For transportation, a custom dolly was designed that when loaded has two completed pods stacked on it. The dolly separates in the centre so that the pod can be partially assembled on the dolly and rolled around until needed during loading. All of the pods were powder coated black.
(Jim Evans)