The enhanced X Box, now titled X Box Extreme, has the long-awaited Pixel Mapping function, improved 'transition' functions and lots of new tiling effects, as well as some slick new keystone, 3D generator, and masking functions.
Added to the 'for sale' product range is the Sea Changer from Ocean Optics, an easy add-on in-line colour changer for ETC Source Four profiles. Built to insert between lamp house and lens tube on any model, this dichroic colour mixer comes in two versions: 'Extreme' includes green as well as the usual CMY; beside greatly enhanced greens it also extends to blues, ambers and golds. The standard version has a dimmer wheel instead of green.
Also licensed to PRG for distribution throughout Europe is the intelligent lighting information system from Wybron. Infotrace feeds back Remote Device Management (RDM) information to the Infogate software, resident on a stand-alone laptop in the DMX control chain. Here, technicians can set DMX addresses and control any function of the lamp (or any DMX device) completely independent of an operator busily programming the desk; any sensor resident in the lamp, e.g. bulb temperature, will report to Infogate. Infochip is a retro-fit IC to replace the existing DMX transceiver in any DMX device to enable RDM. Finally, Wybron will host (free of charge) Infostore, a password-protected website where Infogate can pass all data for recording. This latter facility would be ideal for installed lighting systems where the installer was contracted to monitor and maintain the system. Infostore can be interrogated to produce reports on bulb condition, stepper motor performance etc, and highlight service needs, or indeed identify poorly performing PSUs that shorten bulb life.