As usual, the film set is closely guarded and few details of the plot or its characters are available, but significant quantities of custom and pre-made Van Damme VGA cable have been ordered by Chris McBride, the film's computer and video supervisor. "We're using Van Damme cabling both for on-screen and off-screen applications," explains Chris. "Our department provides all the on-set video and computer requirements, working with the shooting crew. And we also supervise the on-screen screens, those seen in the film."
As in many, if not all, Bond movies, the British Secret Service and the villains ranged against it work in high-tech environments. "Van Damme cable has been used for all the computers and videowalls in these control centres, including a 30ft wide LED videowall used outdoors. It's a completely reliable, high-quality cable choice for us, which also proves cost-effective."
(Lee Baldock)