The Praesideo Digital PA and Emergency Sound System is one of the latest safety features to be added to the construction. The whole installation comprises four Praesideo systems covering several zones, including the office areas, the main body and conference areas and the hotels. Consisting of 26 call stations including four customer-designed call stations, six CobraNet Interfaces for long-distance high-quality communication, over 200 Bosch (124 W, 250 W and 500 W) LBB series power amplifiers with each speaker line fully under supervision at any time, and 2400 Bosch ceiling-mount, surface-mount, horn and cabinet speakers, it comes close to being one of the largest most complex of such systems to date.
Part of an integrated security solution, the Bosch Praesideo's open platform can communicate with third-party systems and peripherals such as building-management, fire-alarm, and passenger-information systems. Installation of the system was started in 2006 and is expected to be completed by the end of July 2008.
(Jim Evans)