A gigging musician, McLean first started working for Yamaha Kemble upon graduating from University in 2004. Prior to the appointment within Commercial Audio, he worked in Yamaha's Central Operations department in a dealer support role. The main focus of the new position, the company says, is to create a constant first point of contact for customers for all aspects of Yamaha's Commercial Audio Business and to reinforce the 'local service, global support' promise.
This will cover all enquiries ranging from a checking stock, product advice, technical help and guidance, as well as delivery and will allow the company to further build upon the strong relationships already in place between Yamaha and its Commercial Audio dealers.
The move follows a recent significant expansion of the team and Commercial Audio general manager Nick Cook comments: "We are building a highly skilled and effective team to help manage our growth as a leading systems solution provider. With the new business opportunities we face new challenges and the effective support of our dealer network is central to developing the level of support our customers rightly expect from Yamaha Commercial Audio."
(Lee Baldock)