The Made in Belgium Audiosystem8.8 audio matrix has eight speaker outputs (four stereo or eight mono zones) with each a built-in 30 watts digital amplifier and also has 4 additional line outputs. The unit has four FM radios built-in and it has 4/8 stereo/mono line inputs.
The installer/customer can easily access the integrated web server based GUI to configure and/or control the audio system. Audiosystem8.8 can be remote controlled via the DIWAC wall panels, but thanks to the web server based GUI also via any mobile device (smartphone, tablet...) or computer that has a web browser installed. Browse to the correct url and when the GUI opens, it's a piece of cake to select your source and control the volume of your zone.
As Audiosystem8.8 is a solution for many retail (or corporate) applications, the unit has been equipped with an emergency mute contact. In a shopping mall for example all retail stores should be connected to the central PA system. When connected via this emergency mute contact, the emergency messages coming from the central audio system will overrule the music in the shops when needed.
(Jim Evans)